February 2010

by Graham Taylor

For many years, the Primary Health Centre at the James Bay Community Project (JBCP) was funded by the Ministry of Health and the Vancouver Island Health Authority (VIHA) to deliver exemplary physician and nursing care to James Bay and surrounding communities. As a publicly funded clinic, JBCP became known for its special focus on seniors and marginalized/underserved patient groups. In the fall of 2009, JBCP received notification that its contract funding for the Health Centre was being discontinued and that in the future, only funding through the standard Medical Services Plan (MSP) physician fee-for-service billing approach would be available. Faced with no other option, the physicians and the JBCP Board have agreed to change to a traditional physician-owned clinic model in order to ensure the continuation of health care services at JBCP. For the past few months, the existing physicians, management staff, and the Board have been working on this transition under very tight timelines.  Under the new model, JBCP will rent the existing health care space and equipment to a physician group. These physicians will own the new health centre practice, and on an interim basis, JBCP will provide some management services to assist the new practice to become established.   Attracting the best physicians available to work at the centre remains a top priority. New strategies and policies are now being developed to ensure continuity of care for patients, while incorporating changes required under the MSP billing system. Please note that patients with registered BC CareCards will continue to receive medically necessary services insured under the Medical Services Plan, at no cost. Uninsured services (e.g. patient chart transfer) will be the responsibility of the patient as always.

We are pleased to announce that Dr Wolfson and Dr Sherman are planning at this time to continue to practice at JBCP. As some of you are aware, Dr McKinney and Dr Ehasoo are currently on maternity leave. They both have tentative plans to return to work here in September 2010. Locum physicians for Dr McKinney and Dr Ehasoo have been hired for the majority of their maternity leaves. We continue to look for some locum coverage for the summer months of 2010. Over the next few months, the plan for the new health centre is to attract more physicians to work here, thereby also meeting the urgent needs of those in our community who are currently without a family physician.   

The physicians believe it is very important for every patient to understand exactly what changes are ahead. Therefore, at each patient's initial visit under the new system, patients will have a chance to review a summary of the changes and sign-off their acceptance. The most noticeable impact for existing patients will be shorter appointments, and more possibly frequent appointments for those with multiple health concerns. While some specific appointment types are afforded extra time, standard physician appointments under the MSP system are generally 10 minutes. Patients are asked to prioritize their most important health issue. Subsequent appointments are booked if additional health concerns need to be addressed.   

We have heard from many patients, community members, and partners of the James Bay Community Project with regards to primary health care at JBCP.  Although many have preferred the past model of care, we have received overwhelming response that if the new system is our only option, then establishing a physician led primary health care at the James Bay Community Project is a very high priority.  We do, however, recognize that at this time of transition, some patients may choose to move to another health centre in closer proximity to their work or residence.  Information about the availability of Victoria physicians accepting new patients will be provided.    The Victoria Medical Society and College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC are two agencies that keep track of that information.     

I want to thank all patients for their patience and support as we continue to work through this time of transition.   Together we will build a vibrant new primary care centre that continues to provide outstanding care and service.